Tracerco™ Interface Gauge

In the presence of pressure changes and process deposits, the Optimus™ BUG is the first and only nucleonic instrumentation to provide repeatable and highly accurate nucleonic level measurement.


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Tracerco provide nucleonic liquid interface measurement gauges in a variety of industries. Each nucleonic interface gauge or transmitter is designed to fit the clients vessel, pipe or process,. Variations in the radiation intensity due to tiny changes in level allow Tracerco to accurately and effectively measure the process in real-time. Each system is tailored to the client requirements, to ensure space is optimised and the reading is provided in a suitable format.

Tracerco’s interface measurement software (inside each instrument/detector) is the most advanced currently available, providing adaptive techniques to track process changes faster than any other system on the market, reducing noise, improving response and providing a solution using the smallest source size for worker safety.

The interface measurement product family allows:

  • Real time external measurements without contact with the process
  • Simplified design and construction, resulting in a dramatic saving to the customer
  • Low maintenance and spare requirements due to the simplicity of design
  • Automatic source decay compensation
  • Automatic pressure compensation
  • Simple two-wire or three-wire communications wiring
  • Zones 0, 1 and 2 use – Intrinsically Safe
  • HART, Modbus, Foundation Fieldbus options
  • Measurements can be provided of: Oils, emulsions, foams, water, sand, condensates, liquids, solids, rag layers, middlings and many other process variables.
Model GM Tube
Count rate 60 cps/m/uSv/hr
Sensitive length Up to 4320mm
Zones Zone 0 (ATEX),
Class 1 Div 1 and 2 (U.S.)
Enclosure Ex[ia]
Operating Temp -20 deg C to +70 deg C
Temp Stability < +/- 0.5% of count rate
Output 4-20mA HART and Foundation Fieldbus
Power Supply 20-35VDC
Wiring 2 wire or 3 wire comms and power
Pressure Correction 4-20mA input or by the detector itself