Willliamson Single-Wavelength Pyrometer Technology

Single-Wavelength pyrometers are preferred when appropriate due to simpler, lower-cost technology. They are available in Short-Wavelength, Long-Wavelength and Specialty-Wavelength configurations. For most applications, select the shortest wavelenght compatible with the measurement conditions and desired temperature span. Specialty wavelengths may be necessary depending on the optical transmission properties of the target.

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Single-Wavelength Pyrometers
There are three distinct technologies for single-wavelength Pro series pyrometers: Short-Wavelength, Long-Wavelength and Specialty-Wavelength.
For most applications, select the shortest wavelength compatible with the measurement conditions and desired temperature span.
Short-Wavelength (SW)

  • 4-20 times less sensitive to emissivity variation and optical obstruction compared to general-purpose long-wavelength models.
  • Certain wavelengths can view through common interferences such as steam, flames, combustion gasses, and plasmas without error.
  • Available in traditional and fiber-optic configuration (SWF).

Long-Wavelength (LW)

  • General-purpose pyrometer used for high-emissivity materials.
  • Can make low-temperature readings (near ambient). Ideal for applications under 200°F/100°C.

Specialty-Wavelength (SP)

  • Used for certain materials that are least reflective and most opaque at a particular wavelength
  • Used when optical obstructions are most transparent at a specific wavelength
  • Popular applications: plastics, glass, flames, etc.