PDFM 5.1

The Greyline PDFM 5.1 is a Portable Doppler Flow Meter that simply clamps to the outside of a pipe to gain pipe flow measurement.

Manufactured by foxboro




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Doppler technology means it is suitable for dirty or difficult liquids that contain bubbles or solids, like wastewater, slurries, sludge, chemicals, viscous liquids, and abrasives.

The PDFM5.1 portable Doppler flow meter is ideal for flow troubleshooting, balancing, and checking the performance of permanent flow meters. Fast and easy to operate, the sensor mounts to the outside of a pipe in less than a minute, using the built-in keypad and calibration menu to set up the flowmeter for the application.

The unit is AC/DC powered with built-in NiMH batteries and an external charger. With its 4-20mA output, you can use the Greyline PDFM 5.1 as a spare pipe flow measurement unit in critical applications. Ideal applications for the PDFM 5.1 flowmeter with a non-contacting, clamp-on ultrasonic sensor include influent and effluent pipe flow, industrial pipe flows, irrigation flows, food and beverage manufacturers, pharmaceutical processes, and many more!

Gain a full overview of our pipe flow solutions by contacting one of our team today.


  • Datasheet PDFM 5.1
  • Manual PDFM 5.1