Foxboro & Hardy

Measurement of the weight of food bagged.
Hardy Weight System: The Hardy weight scale has a monitoring system for vibration which is unique and which makes it possible to measure the food packs with a higher degree of accuracy. It makes it possible to effectively check the weight before boxing the bags before shipping. This system is used for the product quality control to shipping.
Measure the density of milk.
Foxboro Densitymeter: The Foxboro Densitymeter lets you know when emptying a truck at the plant the difference between the milk, the cream and the foam at the end of the emptying. This helps you to save time by saving the separation phase of the milk and the creme and recuperate the milk foam residue.

Hardy & Ametek Drexelbrook

Tank level measurement.
Drexelbrook probes: Drexelbrook’s RF Admittance probes are recognized in Food and Beverage applications for their capacity to reject clogging or deposit on the probe. This means little or no maintenance or cleaning of the probes. Clogging such as chocolate, that can become very thick, does not have any secondary effect on the probe.
Weight Measurement for mixing tanks.
Hardy Weight System: Because of it’s exceptional anti-vibration system, Hardy’s Weight System allows the addition and the dosage of different foods in the mixing tank without stopping the agitators while accurately measuring the weight. This saves mixing time as well as the energy it takes to start and stop the mixer.


Evacuated water pH Reading.
Foxboro probes: Foxboro’s pH probe is designed to read faster and more accurately water pH at the plants exit or during the sanitary cleaning. It’s unique glass is designed to increase the accuracy of the probe and it’s thermal reference of the glass allows it to rapidly correct the thermal fluctuations caused by sanitary cleanings. It also allows a réduction of chemical products addition needed to neutralize the pH at an acceptable level for the water filtration plant.
Conductivity measurement for sanitary cleaning.
Foxboro Conductivity Measurement: Foxboro’s Conductivity sensor is one of the most adaptable probes for sanitary cleaning. It’s unique design make it able to withstand high temperatures and different chemicals used during sanitary cleaning. Conductivity reads the concentration of chemicals and the quantity of water during the rinsing stage. It helps to diminish considerably the cleaning and rinsing times.

Ametek Drexelbrook & Foxboro

Water/salt interface with the Markland system
To control the opening and the closing of traffic barriers on bridge entrances, wireless technology is by far the most economical and safe. This technology centralizes the information in one place and reduces the number of traffic operators, this being done at kilometers away from the operating site.
Sanitary 3A Level, pressure and flow measurement
Drexelbrook and Foxboro have a vast inventory of instruments using the Sanitary 3A Tri-Clamp mounting that covers all sanitary 3A measurements and applications.


Solid concentration measurement in a liquid.
Foxboro’s densitometer: Foxboro’s 2 phase densitometer is able to read granules in a liquid. Thus it is possible to control the dissolution of these granules accurately in a liquid. For example, the dissolution control of the sugar in a liquid like liquor or juice. This helps to reduce the mixing time of the ingrédients and control the repeatability of the recipes.
Sugar concentration in liquid.
LSC refractometer: To measure sugar concentration in liquids such as juice, LSC’s refractometer is one of the most high-performance systems. It’s light refraction technology allows to accurately measure sugar concentration. This measurement helps save the sugar dosage in small quantities, but with time, this becomes huge savings. The refractometer also allows repeatability and perfect control of the taste of the beverage produced.