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The Portable Transit-Time Flow Meter can be used for calibrations, troubleshooting, flow surveys, or as a temporary clamp-on flow meter to replace inline flowmeters. Causing no interruption to the process, no downtime, and no need to cut into a pipe, simply strap the transit-time sensors to the outside of the pipe from 50 mm to 1200 mm (2 in to 48 in) diameter.
Datasheet PTFM 1.0
Manual PTFM 1.0
The transit-time technology makes the PTFM ideal for clean liquid flow monitoring on applications such as treated water flow, effluent pipe flow, irrigation flow, and compliance with water abstraction licenses.
The PTFM 1.0 Portable Transit-Time Flow Meter can be mounted without interrupting operations and there is no obstruction or pressure drop. With no moving parts, there is little to no maintenance required with the PTFM 1.0, and the unit gives accurate and repeatable pipe flow readings for clean liquids in minutes.
For more information on the PTFM 1.0, click the downloads tab below.