Voltage Transducers-Ohiosemitronics

Ohio Semitronics manufactures DC voltage transducers, as well as both absolute average and true RMS measuring AC voltage transducers in ranges up to 4,000 volts, with accuracies from 0.25% of Reading through 0.5% of Full Scale.


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AC Voltage Transducers

OSI AC voltage transducers are available to measure absolute average or true RMS AC voltages in ranges up to 1,000 volts, with accuracies from 0.25% of Full Scale through 0.5% of Full Scale. Transducers are available as single or three phase with wired inputs for traditional or DIN rail-mounted packaging.

Available outputs include 0-1mAdc, 4-20mAdc, 0-10Vdc and 0-5Vdc with customized input ranges and output formats available on request.

DC Voltage Transducers

OSI DC voltage transducers are available to measure DC voltages from ranges up to 4,000 volts, with accuracies from 0.25% of reading through 0.5% of Full Scale. Transducers are available as single or three phase with wired inputs for traditional or DIN rail-mounted packaging.

Available outputs include 0-1mAdc, 4-20mAdc, 0-10Vdc and 0-5Vdc with customized input ranges and output formats available on request.