Weight processors are used as a front-end to a control system for all types of general weighing applications. They measure, condition and communicate weight without any need to control. Hardy weight processors are part of a process manufacturer’s industrial weighing systems & equipment.


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Hardy HI 6500 and NEW HI 6500-XP

EtherNet/IP® & Profibus-DP® Weight Processors Now Include Extreme Weight Processor Version with 6X the Speed and 3X the Resolution

The HI 6500 series are EtherNet/IP® enabled weight processors with a Rockwell Add-On-Profile (AOP) and Faceplate/AOIs. They have a big, bright multi-channel display and deliver fast, high-resolution weight readings. They also feature Profibus-DP, Modbus, Analog, and Ethernet communication options.

Weight processors are used as front ends to control systems or standalone for all types of general weighing applications. Operating blind or with a display, they measure, condition and communicate weight without any need to control.

The HI 6500 series delivers stable processed weight with a resoluton of 1:10:000, and an update speed of 110 updates per second (processor, display and comm.). They enhance the productivity of process manufacturing systems where fast, precise weight-based controls are critical. They offer you many communication choices including EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP & Modbus RTU, and Analog 4-20mA.

The NEW HI 6500-XP Extreme Weight Processor can process and output 660 updates per second of processed (stable) weight with a resolution of 1:30,000. The HI 6500-XP represents the state-of-the-art in processing uniformity and speed. A/D conversion, weight processing and the communications port ALL update at 660 times per second, providing the PLC with the latest processed weight reading every 1.5 milliseconds. Many competitor’s products execute the A/D conversion at one frequency, then process the weight and communications ports at a much slower rate typically 20 to 50Hz, only providing the PLC with an update every 20 to 50 milliseconds. The HI 6500-XP results in better product consistency and product yields while reducing processing time, waste time and materials. It is designed for applications where speed and accuracy are paramount to control and quality, such as batching, blending, filling, dispensing and check weighing.

For panel mounting, simply drill five holes to mount the keypad/ display on the front and the instrument to the other side. For blind or remote mounting, just snap its built-in clip onto a DIN rail or mount on a wall. The HI 6500 series fits in a 2″ deep cabinet!

For maximum visibility and usability, the HI 6500 series features a big, rugged high-contrast display with a 140 degree viewing angle for easy reading at a distance. Discrete status messaging means there is no need to check a manual for error codes or instructions.

To save space and energy, the HI 6500 series can deliver the weight readings of up to four instruments on one big, bright display panel simultaneously! Name your display inputs for easy ID and rearrange them in any order.

Each instrument consumes just 5 watts nominal and 7 watts max, saving energy costs while driving up to 8 load points and two Hardy IT Junction Boxes. Share a keypad/display with four instruments and save 1.5 watts more per blind unit.

A set-up wizard guides you through installation and calibration, or use the embedded web server to set up parameters from anywhere on your network. Front panel keys and simple menus enable quick, easy setup with supporting help text. Use Hardy’s exclusive C2® for automatic system calibration, which saves hours of start-up and maintenance time. A Rockwell Add-On-Profile makes PLC setup fast and easy.  Hardy has also developed a Profibus-DP .GSD file available on the downloads tab on the Hardy HI 6500 page.


Quickly and easily troubleshoot the weighing system from the front panel of the display or connected control system using Hardy’s proprietary INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN (IT) built-in system diagnostics.

Hardy’s WAVERSAVER® technology supresses vibration and mechanical noise, dramatically reducing scale settling time and increasing the speed of stable gross and net weight readings.  Exclusive to the HI 6500-XP Extreme Weight Processor is Hardy’s patent-pending WAVERSAVER+® technology that suppresses vibration and mechanical noise, reducing scale settling time and increasing the speed of stable gross and net weight readings.

